The Mobile Revolution and Recruitment

August 1, 2016

The job application process has changed dramatically in the last 3-4 years, meaning that recruitment client expectations have also evolved, and this is something that recruitment agencies are having to keep up with at an exceptional pace.

This is all down to the explosion of mobile devices and having universal access to the internet.

This has unchained candidates from their desks, and meant that now they are not only looking for vacancies when at their current job or at home in the evening, they’re also looking on the train, in a cab, receiving email alerts throughout the night or pop up notifications whilst watching the tv.

This has changed the way candidates interact with job searching, and ultimately their expectations of the process:

  • The patience of an online applicant has been dramatically reduced
  • there are expectations of functionality that cause immense frustration if ignored,
  • the slightest usability flaw might frustrate a vast number of potential candidates, to the point their details are not received

Think of the last time a website took ages to load on your mobile, did you stick around or skip onto another site?

Ignore the expectations of the digital user market at your peril…

To give you some statistics, as long ago as 2011, up to 45% of all UK internet traffic was via a mobile device and this is still growing. Also, 82% of smart phone users are most often within reach of their device, and the average smart phone user checks their device 150 times a day.

So why should all this matter to recruitment agencies?

For an industry that requires as much communication with people as possible, these stats are too exceptional to be ignored.

With this ever increasing bias towards mobile use, there is a massive market of exceptional candidates that are far more accessible via mobile communication, and your clients know it too.

We are going to tell you how you can harness this ever growing market with the minimum fuss and maximum ROI in the coming week or two through the following blog articles soon to come:

1. Your Website. It’s not a ‘new trend’ anymore. You just NEED a mobile friendly recruitment website. Here’s why.

2. Mobile Apps. The quickest way to outdo your competition through innovation. It’s easier than you think.

3. Social Media. It’s (sort of) free, and the benefits are huge #wecanshowyouhow

Written by:

Mike Wedge


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